The primary strategy of Transformation of the Nations is to work indigenous leaders all over the world. The key is to partner with apostles that are growing in their impact in their representative nations. While we have a heart for many nations, it is best to focus on the relationships that God has given to us that enable our joint efforts to transform regions and nations.
In the following nations, Mark and Ann with other TOTN partners, are making a measurable impact through mentoring, leadership training, transformation trips, and materials. Below are the key nations that we are working with at this time.
Mark and Ann began traveling to Kenya over 20 years ago while they were pastoring Rock Creek Community Church in Portland, Oregon. As the church was transitioning from a traditional Baptist church into a fivefold ministry renewal church, the Spirit led Mark to Kenya in 1998. During those early trips the Lord began to reveal more and more what the fivefold ministry could look like in the church today. Coupled with a prophetic ministry to open the minds and hearts of the people, Mark and Ann began working closely with a small denomination along the Kenyan Coast. As teams went with them to share God’s love in the villages, they witnessed many miracles and an outpouring of the Spirit to heal hearts.
In 1990, while in Matsagoni, Kenya, the Lord gave a message to Mark entitled, “The Letter Kills, but the Spirit gives Life.” That message challenged the rules that this denomination had that kept the people in spiritual bondage. That day, the presiding Bishop cancelled all man made rules that he had instituted, and the power of the apostolic calling on Mark and Ann had an increased impact. In that setting, the Tubbs’ met a young science teacher named Simon Karisa. (Put Simon’s picture here). After the passing of the late Bishop, Mark was asked to install the new Bishop, Simon.
In the following years and as a result of that relationship, a new network was formed and began to grow. At the time it was the Rock Creek Leadership Network. Bible school materials were brought to Kenya and satellites of the new school led to rapid growth of the network. By 2006 there approximately 250 churches now a part. The emphasis of the school was to raise the people of God into their destiny and purpose through the fivefold ministry. The churches moved in a freedom and prophetic maturity that was not common in Kenya.
As Mark and Ann transitioned full time as the HIM Executive Directors in 2006, the Rock Creek Leadership Network morphed into Harvest International Ministry Kenya. Under the leadership of Bishop Simon Karisa, and team of leaders in various regions, the network grew steadily up until 2013 to approximately 1000 churches. A key part of this were TRANSFORMATION TRIPS, where teams from America, and then Australia, Germany, and Korea all had a major impact.
These trips consisted of 15-30 people that went out daily in small teams to villages all over the nation. Wherever we were sent out, the power and love of God brought transformation and unity in the regions.
In 2013 Mark and Ann’s heart were broken with the growing number of prostitutes along the Kenyan coast. The story similar to the “woman at the well” occurred with a prostitute on the beach. This entire encounter is in Mark’s book, entitled, RELATIONAL TRANSFORMATION. One night as a woman approached him to be a client, Mark saw the face of his natural daughter superimposed on the face of the prostitute. He felt the love of the Father toward her and It had an immediate impact on both of them. The outcome was it changed the focus on the network onto transforming the culture and releasing the love of God to men and woman on the street. This led to later to the baptism of over 125 women and men in one week (put the picture of the women here)
In 2014, Apostle Che Ahn came to Kenya to commission along side Mark and Ann, Simon Karisa as the first HIM Apostle in Kenya. (put picture of Che and Mark commissioning Simon)
We had no idea at the time what that act would release. The HIM Kenya network grew from 1000 churches to over 3000 in two years, and to date is approximately 4500 churches. Since that time we have commissioned numerous apostles and prophets all over the nation.